Giving Thanks for My Family

Thanksgiving Day
Giving thanks, for family
Those touching me
most deeply
In gratitude, humbly bowing
in their direction

Mom and Dad
Original veins
feeding my mystery
Through whom
the ultimate mystery worked
This being, my being, made possible

Diana, Doug
Sharing roots
In kindred spirit
sisterhood, brotherhood
Growing up, alongside me
Tied by grace and blood

Jeffrey, Jason
Sons, noble princes
Of my flesh
Of my spirit
Their mysteries
tentacles, beyond me

Evan, Griffin
Beautiful extensions of their parents
Of my flesh
Of my spirit
Their mysteries
tentacles, beyond me

Soul mate
Chosen mystery keeper
Life dance partner
Love sustainer
balancing my footsteps

Extended family
Aunts, uncles, cousins, nieces, nephews
Mary’s family
Extensions of us
Reaching outward
into the future

Divine One
Beyond words
To whom, all is owed
Asking nothing
Giving everything
Eternal flame within us

Holiday Nostalgia

Nostalgia always finds me
during the holiday season
I tried to hide this Thanksgiving
but eventually, she tracked me down
like a skilled hunter her prey

She nailed me early this year
Flooding me with scenes, faces
symbols, voices, lost feelings
Most scattered memories–
patches of sun and clouds, holidays long ago

A fire gets lit inside me
whenever nostalgia visits
Washing me back, washing over me
Inviting me, once again
to become what I used to be

This year, inviting me
to be that mischievous young boy
whose playful tricks and jokes brought laughter
at wastefully tense and dull dining room moments
Family, be thankful, but beware this Thanksgiving.

Countdown Thanksgiving

Thanksgiving Day
What can I say
Four days to go
Hope we get some snow

Cranberries, turkey, oh the dressing
But always first, say a blessing
Pumpkin pie, not ala mode
All this food, stuffed like a toad

Family time, all come together
Always fun, big endeavor
Macy’s Parade, on the tube
Beats playing, Rubik’s Cube

Giving thanks, for everything
Lucky us, so we sing
Backward glances, we recall
Thanksgivings past, good for all

Stuffed we are, at day’s end
On the phone, greetings send
To those not here
We give some cheer

Count the days
Hearts ablaze
Let us cheer
Thanksgiving Day, almost here