Hot Shots

They’re everywhere
Not just in Hollywood, Congress
strutting their stuff on Fifth Avenue
playing left field for the Boston Red Sox, or
serving on City Council in Small Town U.S.A.

You also find them
singing in the church choir
attending to the needs of the sick
spouting off at Al’s barbershop, and
even teaching poetry at the local college

Everyone has one–
that is an ego, and
everyone, from time to time
gets lost in themself
failing to see the bigger picture

Why just the other day
I listened to a man talk
on servant leadership, and
in 28 very long minutes
he referred to himself 47 times
But who’s counting?

Self-important buffoons
Men and women of God
Smarty pants intellectuals
Control freaks of all sorts
All, intolerable hot shots!


To some, an in-between place
for the soul’s cleansing
before its final transcripts are submitted
for admission to Heaven

Like one final car wash
getting off ALL the dirt
before you turn in the keys
and stop driving forever

Like stopping in Cleveland
to re-fuel, or repair landing gear
before continuing your flight
from New York to Chicago

Like in football, getting stopped
on fourth down, at the fifty yard line
on a last second drive
to the goal line

Here’s to hoping
your overall GPA is high enough
for immediate admission to Heaven
without re-taking any life courses