New Year’s Day

January 1, 2008
A new year begins as a quiet dark morning
flirting with wet snow and freezing rain
No hangover, thankfully
More expectation than regret, thankfully

No fireworks ending the old year
No need even for a sharp demarcation
between old and new, or
what was and will be
Yet, so many subtle memories, wishes, dreams

The first day of a new January
No fanfare, frenzy, or even football
The finale of a wonderful holiday season
filled with joyous sounds, familiar loved faces
bright lights, much giving and receiving

Today, one for inwardness…
a cut below the skin, probing something deeper
Cherishing last year’s gems
Some looking ahead, pondering possibilities, and
thinking beyond myself

It’s true…time flies as we grow older
So it seems in my harried, hassled, overworked life
which miraculously finds more joy than sorrow
more pleasure than pain, and
a nice balance between meaning and happiness

So, on this New Year’s Day…
no maudlin reflections
no arcane promises
no pretentious claims
Simply a new beginning with hope