Tufted Titmouse

small, gray, spiked hairdo,
overflowing with song,
sweet as candy cane,
prominent black eyes,
lumps of anthracite coal.

no flocks for this chickadee,
always in pairs, or alone,
fussy scolding voice,
when perturbed by a mate,
otherwise chipper and cheerful.

this morning a pair pecks.
nibbles seed in the back feeder.
selective in their tastes.
given that it’s spring,
most likely babies in the nest.

Author: Don Iannone, D.Div., Ph.D.

Biography Writer, photographer, poet, and teacher. Holds doctorates in Divinity and Metaphysical Philosophy. Author of 20 books, including seven poetry books, nine photography, and four nonfiction books. Contact Information Contact Don Iannone by email: diannone@gmail.com

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